I have known Adam Silbar and Pathfinders for over 10 years, and I am proud and very grateful that I took the call from them 10 years ago when I was considering a change in my professional career. Pathfinders placed me on my first directorial job of Peri op services in Southern California. They were very helpful in making it easy for me to transition from the Midwest, where my support system was, and bringing me to California, where I barely know anybody. Adam helped me all the way from interview process to accepting an offer . He even met and introduced me to the right people, and he and I became friends and more like a member of each others family.
One of the best qualities of Pathfinders as a recruitment company is that “individual approach” of support and understanding each of the potential candidates strength and weaknesses, that results to a better job placement. They are very sensitive to candidates privacy and rights as far as their wishes to which places and area they wanted to be presented as a potential candidate. Every single staff that they have are very respectful and professional, particularly Karole, Darlene, and Lauren. Pathfinders had successfully placed me in several jobs now as a Director of Peri Op Surgical Services around the country. If I have to rate this company from a scale of 1 being the lowest and 10 being the best, I will give them 20 just to make sure I cover all bases and my way of saying THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING.